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UnMareDivino - Azienda Vinicola Sardegna

New ways of
making tradition

The balance of nature, in the Sardinian Hinterland,
and the salty winds blowing from the sea
gift our wines with notes
of Mediterranean flavours and aromas.

UnMareDivino - Azienda Vinicola Sardegna - Calice
UnMareDivino - Tradizione Azienda Vinicola Sardegna

This story begins with Gioacchino Sini Sr., born in 1881, and with his love for his hometown, Berchidda, in the Province of Olbia Tempio, Sardinia Island. Here the Patriarch of the Sini family was born and lived all his life. It was Gioacchino who, along with his sons, Pietrino and Pasqualino, in 1949, decided to plant the first family vineyard. In this area, owning a vineyard and producing wine for the family was as natural as producing wheat to make bread. There was no serious farmer in Berchidda who did not “ennoble” the work in the fields with the cultivation of a family vineyard.

On the other hand, few Sardinian areas, had and have the strong winemaking vocation of this small town, halfway between Monte Acuto and the Gallura Sea, for production of quality wines: Vermentino, above them all, but also some very fine reds.

In those days wine was produced for the family not for trade. The greatest satisfaction for every farmer was (and somehow still is) being able to compare the aromas and flavors of his own wine with those produced by the neighbors. A nice, good-natured competition that pushed each one of them to always do better…

UnMareDivino - Mare

All around, the Sardinian Sea, is embraced by wild landscapes where the beauty of the colors and the unmistakable scents of Mediterranean scrub reign supreme A naturalistic heritage of immense value

UnMareDivino - Sole

“When you can reach someone’s heart, there is no limit”, Steve Job said, and we add that he must have known the experience of the Sardinian Sun

UnMareDivino - Vento

“Ridges of hills like moorland, blending together, fading away, perhaps, toward a cluster of peaks… Enchanting space all around and then places to travel to, nothing finished, nothing definitive. It’s like freedom itself” (D.H.Lawrence)

UnMareDivino - Terra

The balance of nature, in the Sardinian Hinterland, and the salty winds blowing from the sea gift our wines with notes of Mediterranean flavours and aromas

UnMareDivino - Gente

“Sardinians are an ethnic group looking to the future while highly respectful of the past”
(Fabrizio De Andrè)

UnMareDivino - Tradizione
UnMareDivino - Tradizione di Famiglia: Gioacchino Pietrino Sini
UnMareDivino - Bottiglie

The Winemaker’s life is an incredible adventure, a daily interpretation of the many signs that nature sends us. Learning and interpreting, from an agronomic point of view, what a vineyard can express is a bit like painting.
Then bringing the best fruits of this land to the cellar and preserving their characteristics in the wine we produce is like finding the right frame for a wonderful painting.

    UnMareDivino - Porta Cantina Azienda Vinicola

      UnMareDivino since 1949  |  Via Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, 9 07022 – Berchidda (Sardegna) Italy  |   +39 328 8395166  |


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